This is a mandatory component of Vocational Education courses. Students are required to spend 70 hours in the work place for each 2 unit (240 hour) course. This is usually managed through 2 work place sessions – one in the first year of the course and one in the second year of the course.

If a student does not complete the required time in the work place they are deemed to have not satisfactorily met the outcomes and will receive an N-Award for that subject.

Students must keep a log of what they do in the work place, the hours of work they do and evaluations of what they have learnt. They also need to have a supervisor complete a report on their attitude and achievement in the work place. Each student is given a journal that must be completed to meet the requirements of the course.

A mentor (Teacher, Trainer or Industry Liaison Officer) will ring your supervisor while you are at work and visit you during the work placement.

Student’s / Parent’s Guide to Work Place Learning –  This booklet contains important information about your rights and responsibilities and the skills to be learned and how they will be assessed. You should read it carefully, as it will help you get the most out of your placement or experience.

You should also give your parents or carers an opportunity to read this information booklet so that you have a chance to discuss this information with them and address any concerns or questions you may have.


You are representing your school and St Joseph’s Trades Skills Centre when you are in the work place. It is expected that you will leave the employer with a good lasting impression. It is difficult to attain work placements – employers are busy and they are running a business which is their vocation and their income for survival. They will not tolerate students that are going to jeopardise the operation of their company. Students must make every effort to work in an enthusiastic and diligent manner and not upset employees or clients.

Any student dismissed from the work place and told not to return will face severe consequences that may result in mandatory work placement hours not being completed and an N-Award being determined. In serious circumstances it may also result in cessation of enrolment from St Joseph’s Trades Skills Centre