Partner School Applications

  • Read the requirements of the course in the ‘Courses Tab’ of this website and make sure you understand the course requirements.
  • Students interested in undertaking a course at St Joseph Trades Skills Centre, must discuss the options with their school to ensure it is the right course and pathway for them, ensuring it has relevance to their future career pathway.
  • Application process:

School Vet Co-ordinator
All Saints Catholic College Liverpool Zoe Petrovich
Clancy Catholic College West Hoxton Michael Ha
Freeman Catholic College Bonnyrigg Heights Joseph Chetcuti
Mary MacKillop Catholic College Wakeley Maria Fassoulas
Patrician Brothers Catholic College Fairfield Geoffrey Dickson

  • Before applying, you will need to obtain a Unique Student Identifier (USI). If you don’t already have one, click here
  • Students must investigate courses carefully and attend any interviews or information sessions required by the St Joseph’s Trades Skills Centre (TSC) to ensure they are making well-informed course choices. Some courses also involve the completion of an indicator task that tests a student’s suitability to undertake a particular vocational course.
  • Once applications have been received, the TSC will contact the school to confirm the details provided by the student and determine the viability of running courses (subject to sufficient student numbers). The TSC will notify the school and the student if the student’s application has been successful and provide further orientation information.
  • Once enrolments have been confirmed schools will be invoiced by the Sydney Catholic Schools office.

2024 Fees

Units Cost/year
Two Units $315
Three Units $472.50
Four Units $630

2025 Fees are currently under review

Course Units and Years

Course Name # Units # Years
Automotive Two Two
Early Childhood Education and Care Three Two
Electrotechnology Two Two
Events Two Two
Hairdressing Three One
Beauty (Yr 12 only) Four One
Hospitality Two Two
Human Services (Yr 12 only) Two Two
Human Services (Yr 12 only) Four One
Human Services (Yr 11 only) Two One
Fitness Two Two
Information and Digital Technology Two Two