Work placement is a rewarding and informative process that allows students to experience the world of work and see firsthand, the work environment and the type of tasks undertaken. The majority of students tell us they look forward to work placement and thoroughly enjoy the experience. Work placement is also a mandatory component of completing a vocational course. Therefore students enrolled in a vocational course are required to meet these demands by attending work placement for the number of hours designated by each course. It may be five days of work placement for a course or it may be 20 days.

Please check the course information sheets or check with the St Joseph Partnership Manager regarding the hours required for a course. We will endeavour to source work placements with reputable companies that will give the student a meaningful and suitable experience. This may require local or extended travel for the student. Some students opt to travel further away to experience a more substantial placement. This may require travelling to the city. The student works closely with the Partnership Manager to obtain and undertake placement.

Employers are asked to place emphasis on developing the following skill sets with the students while they are at placement – communication, teamwork, problem-solving, initiative and enterprise, planning and organising, self-management, learning, responsibility, and technology.