SHB30221 – Certificate III in Makeup
Students will learn how to undertake a range of beauty services to clients including lash and brow, make-up services. Students will also learn how to make appointments, greet and prepare clients for treatments and make-up, advise on beauty products, design and apply make-up, and conduct salon financial transactions.
This is a Board Endorsed Course and therefore has no HSC examination.
To achieve this qualification, competency must be demonstrated in 15 units of competency:
- 8 core units; plus
- 7 elective units.
Units of competency include:
- SHBXWHS003 Apply safe hygiene, health and work practices
- SHBXCCS005 Maintain health and wellbeing in a personal services setting
- SHBBINF002 Maintain infection control standards
- SHBXCCS009 Greet and prepare clients for salon services
- SHBXCCS008 Provide salon services to clients
- SHBBCCS005 Advise on beauty products and services
- SHBBFAS004 Provide lash and brow services
- SHBXCCS007 Conduct salon financial transactions
- SHBBMUP011 Design and apply remedial camouflage make-up
- SHBBMUP009 Design and apply make-up
- SHBBMUP010 Design and apply make-up for photography
- SHBBRES003 Research and apply beauty industry information
- SHBXIND003 Comply with organisational requirements within a personal services environment
- SIRXOSM002 Maintain ethical and professional standards when using social media and online platforms
- SHBBMUP013 Design and apply creative make-up