Proudly Part Of The Community Of Sydney Catholic Schools

A message from our Head of Training

Seven Catholic Colleges in the south western region of Sydney applied for funding under the ‘Trade Training Centres in Schools Program’ – an important element of the previous Labor Government’s education revolution.

Trades Skills Centres are helping to address national skill shortages in traditional trades and emerging industries and provide greater opportunity for students to make a successful transition to further education and training and the workforce.

Vocational Education and Training courses offered within the Trades Skills Centre prepare students for specific fields of work while they study for the Higher School Certificate. These courses can be used as credit towards their studies, improving student engagement while meeting community needs.

Many recognised advantages emerge from students undertaking vocational training. Some of these benefits include:

A gain in confidence and enhancing of practical skills beneficial for theoretical applications associated with tertiary study
Development of significant employability skills for part-time or full-time employment or the attainment of an apprenticeship/traineeship
A nationally recognised qualification or a statement of attainment towards it
Pathway progression opportunities through private providers, TAFE and universities
Helpful skills for everyday life

As part of the training each student also undertakes at least 30 hours of work placement each year. This important element of training ensures real-world vocational experience.

Some students begin apprenticeships while others use the Industry Curriculum Framework course studied towards the calculation of their ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank).

Students have the ability to gain a Certificate II, the first year of training in a trade, and in some cases commence the Certificate III. Those with apprenticeships continue their trade training after completing the HSC.

Our students enjoy the benefits of training in a purpose-built environment with a community of learners from a number of Catholic Colleges. This is an exciting time in the life of our school and adds to the diversity of the comprehensive education offered at Good Samaritan Catholic College.

Andrew Sip
Head of Trade Training